Thursday, A Trip in Jovi Air!


Well today’s the day we are going to DC in, hyperventilating here, Jovi Air baby!!!!! God I feel like a kid in the candy store. We’ve all seen the pics of the plane, well hell I’m gonna be in it. The video camera’s ready and raring to go, again.

We’ve got to be at the airport by 9.30. I’m not sure about the protocol of flying on a private jet, do I need my passport? Do we do security? I really need to ask Rich about that. Hey notice that, I refer/call him Rich when I’m not thinking about who they are.

David is either Davy or fart face after last nights melodious entertainment!

Tico of course is Teek; and Hugh, is Hughie lol.

Only one I don’t changed, well to his face, is Jon. Just can’t bring myself to do it.

Well my bags are packed, well the one’s I need with me any way. I’m leaving most of my gear at Lucy’s. I told them all yesterday that I’d ‘go’ with them to DC, but would fly back with Lucy to pick all my gear up. My laptop and babies are of course present.

Hath’s made sure that a top of the range printer and brand new cartridges, will be waiting for me on Friday so I can print what I need from the wedding on the premises.

It’s three am and I can’t sleep! I’m like a kid waiting for Santa. Aw hell, I get up slap on my slippers and head for the kitchen. I make my self a hot choc and looking out the window I realise it’s snowing again. After a minutes hesitation I don my coat, hat and gloves and quietly open the back door and head out onto the porch. My, it’s pretty.

I’ve been there for tenish minutes when the door jerks open and I nearly scream.

‘Ang what the hell are you doin out here?’

‘Sweet Jesus Matt you nearly gave me a heart attack!’ I clutch my chest; sigh, and head towards the door. ‘I was having a drink and didn’t want to wake anyone. Then I realised it was snowing so I went outside.’ Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my permanently attached camera. ‘Did I wake you? Steph’ll kill me.’ I say shucking my outer gear.

‘Nah, I went to the jon and realised your door was open and you weren’t there. I followed the lights. You’ve taken some pics out there?’ I pass him the camera and show him what I’d done. ‘Wow the girls are right you are talented.’ I blush, and then he laughs at me. ‘Damn you girls love your boys don’t cha? You’ve all got those jovi pj’s.’ He shakes his head laughing.

We talk for about half an hour, about how we’ve loved this time, and getting to know everyone. And how bloody surreal it’s been. We walk back upstairs arm in arm, I peck him on the cheek and tell him I’ll see him in an hour or so, and we both head for our beds.

I’ve heard everyone starting to move about, I’ve not slept since talking to Matt. Frak me I’m excited!!! I dive across the hall and into the shower and I’ve just drying my hair when Lucy sticks her head in, ‘Oh you’re awake. I thought you’d overslept.’ She laughs, by now she knows me better.

Wandering into the kitchen five mins later I inhale coffee and scrambled eggs on toast then head upstairs to recheck everything.

By 9.25 we’re at the airport. Whooshed through private security, I could get used to that, and then out onto the tarmac and across to Jovi air. My camera’s in one hand the dvd cam in the other, snapping and recording as I go. Richie finds if hilarious, and I can’t flip him off so I stick my tongue out instead.

Then I’m in the doors, holy hell, a Jovi fans Mecca. Hath spots me and gives me the ‘holy shit’ look, I grin back at her. We’re met with hugs and kisses and grab seats. Surprise I’ve been allocated, told, I’m sitting with Hath and David, insert the eye rolls.

After we level out Hath and I grin at each other, I grab my lap and head for the media centre.

‘What are you girls doing?’ Richie pipes up.

‘I’m gonna show you the pictures from this week. I’m your in-flight entertainment, darlin.’ What I’m not telling is that their not seeing all the pictures.

Hath hip checks me, ‘Jack is going to be calling you a bloody yank.’ She says with a British accent, I lmao!

We take out seats and start the show. Both Hath and I watch for David’s reaction when we get to the pool hall shots. There in glowing colour is Hath and I, when I helped her with the cue. You could see David swallow, hard!

After the show I gave them the photos I’d worked on yesterday. There were two for each couple, one of all us girls going our Friday night, then another shot from the same night, of the boys other halves. Sam and Hath’s were the one’s I’d taken of them playing pool. Jon and David’s Adams apple worked overtime. Hey they got preg puppies there! Lucy, was leaning over talking to Sam, who I’d cut out, and I looked like she was vamping the camera. Steph’s one was taken of her unaware sitting on the bar stool, skirt hitched higher and her leaning forward watching Sam shoot pool, puppies straining at the leash.

Then I pulled out another and passed it to David, ‘Bloody favourites again Angel.’ I grinned at Richie and blew him a kiss. The shot was of Hath and I, and that pool table.

‘Your two fav fans together.’ I told him. He grinned like a man possessed.

I explained that they’d all get a disc with pictures on, after we finished our jaunt. ‘You would have got them today, but then we got the extra day, so I’ll wait till we’ve finished then get you each a disc.’ To the others it meant ‘when I’ve got the wedding shots done’.

We get to the hotel; damn I could live like this all the time. Unload our gear into our rooms then all head for Sam’s. The boys have already gone for the sound check. Sam drops the bomb that she doesn’t want to go to the show. I hear a lil trouble in paradise?

She wants to stay in because she’s tired, then the truth comes out. She doesn’t want to watch Jon shakin his ass then slapping some girls butt, we knew she was unhappy.

Lucy’s first to say she’ll stay with Sam quickly followed by the rest of us girls.

Matt was sent off to the show to drop the news on the boys. That should be interesting!

We end up doing pizza’s and films till Sam crashes, and we all head to our rooms.

Roll on tomorrow. And I’m praying she agrees to go ahead with this wedding!

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