Wedding Day Arrives!


Wow talk about bouncing about the room. It’s Friday and Sam and Jon are getting married!!!

I’ve got everything set out and ready for later.

I’m waiting on the call from Lucy to say Hath, Sam, Cori and her are ready to go dress shopping. Lucy and Hath have gone to fetch Cori and Sam’s brother Nathan from the airport first.

I’m fidgety and decide to hunt someone down. Unfortunately I spot Richie lol. ‘Mornin darlin.’ Damn I must stop saying that! ‘God something must be up you getting you ass out of bed this early.’ I laugh and he shoots me the finger.

‘What ya doin Angel?’

‘Looking for someone to talk to, I’m on edge and need grounding.’

‘Well how about a coffee and talk with me?’ He grins. Hmmm wonder if I can subtly ask when he’s going to pop the question to Lucy, devil’s on my shoulder!

'Yeah and you can tell me when you're going to propose to that wonderful woman you've caught hold of.' His face pales and then flushes, interesting! We start to talk ......

We sit and visit for a while; we know that Sam’s agreed to marry Jon now we’re just in limbo.

I leave Richie, I’ve taken a few shots of him and the other guys as they wander in and out of Richie’s suite, the doors open lol.

I decide to go and walk the hotel, till they ring me, lovely place, and nice people.

I walk into the lobby again and there’s Queenie, I whip out the camera and snag a few shots, she turns and sees me, she flips me off. Giggling we talk for a while then her phone goes, its Lucy, she tells her she’s in the lobby, and before she can say so am I Luce rings off. My phone goes a second later, I tell her I’m in the lobby stood next to Steph.

When they get downstairs, I’ve my camera waiting; I snap them as they walk out of the elevator. Sam is wearing the biggest, brightest grin I’ve seen on her. Hath introduces me to Cori, and we head out dress shopping.

We’ve headed to a posh bridal shop, and all of us dive into the gowns, till Sam says ‘Hey ya’ll, who’s gonna be wearing this dress.’ We blush and back off, but my cameras still clicking.

She tried on several, but they hugged her preggie belly. When next she came out we all sighed and awed. It was gorgeous, damn gonna need more memory!

A wide band of white satin rested on her upper arms, her shoulders bare. The bodice moulded her upper body, then fell loosely from below her breasts in an empire waistline. There was a line of big embroidered white roses and vines going diagonally from left to right and down the short train. It suited her to a T! Picture perfect came to mind.

The dress was boxed and we headed out, Hath told us Jon was paying for a day of pampering, whether he knew it or not! But first, LUNCH, then off for pampering.

We were buffed and puffed within an inch of our lives. The girl doing Sam's hair worked wonders on her. It was fanfreakintastic!

We all must have sparkled when we left. We got back to the hotel and realised it was 5pm!! Holy hell. We nearly fall into Sam's suite. Nathans there and I get a quick intro, seems ok.

I quickly dived into mine as I need to take pics of Sam getting into her dress. I’m wearing a deep purple scooped neck dress. When I lean forward it looks like I’m going to flash, but there’s an under bit too it. It tapers in at the waist, then flares out again and falls to just above me knee. I apply my makeup, very lightly, smoky eyes, and pink lips. Not OTT, simple.

Grabbing my CFM’s, I’ll put them on later! I take out my camera and head back into Sam's bedroom and start shooting video and stills. The girls nearly killing me as I snap them before they dress.

Sam looks beautiful! We teared up but quickly grabbed hold of our emotions. Waterproof mascara, yeah right!

We headed off to the memorial, I told Sam I needed her to wait in her car while I got ready, so I could take some pics with her and Nathan, getting out the car. Damn she looked wonderful. Hmmm me thinks I've said that a few times.

I got Jon's smile as he saw his bride to be. It was awesome. I switched to recording it, and caught Richie's haunting version of the wedding march. It gave me goosebumps.

I took up a stance near to the bride and groom, so I captured every word, look and touch that passed between them! Damn Richie looked good with the guitar slung over his back, unusual, but damn it's Jovi!

The vows they said were spoken with so much passion and sincerity I had to hold back the tears.

When it came time for Richie to give the rings over, he started to pat his pockets like he'd lost them! You should see the picture of Jons face, 'You're sooooo not funny.' It was, very.

When they were introduce as husband and wife I got in line for the hugs and kisses, then I started the round of wedding pics. Someone mentioned I'd make a good drill sergeant, lol. Hey I've learnt if you give the wedding party rope, they'll walk off and you'll never get the pics you need. So Sergeant Jamieson ma'am!

I’ve got tonnes of pictures.

When Jon and Sam went off in the limo, we all piled into the SUV’s and took off for the hotel for the reception.

Hath had screens used to show off the space we were using, batting and fairy lights strung over the top of the screens. I’m in video mode again. Long tables adorned with fine bone china, crystal and silverware. I really need to be careful I don’t drop anything lol.

It was breath taking and I told her so several times!

There were the drawings Marcelli had done, on easels showing various ways Jon and Sam could have their garden landscaped. It was our present to them.

Hath’s berry went off ‘They’re on the way in.’ I positioned myself by the door, dvd cam in one hand normal digital cam in other, I started the dvd recording.

The doors opened and David announced, ‘And here, for the first time anywhere, Mr & Mrs John Francis Bongiovi.’ Everyone laughed and clapped, cept yours truly, difficult when hands are full.

I did put them down for a second when they got to me for more hugs and kisses. Then Sam spotted the easels. Hath told them what they were for, Sam’s face lit up and grabbed Cori to take a closer look at them.

Jon talked to Hath, and finally released her from her ‘Jeeves’ duties lmao.

I’ve got the toasts on film, damn, I nearly ruined my make up with the heartfelt toast Richie gave. Then the first dance, awwww, yep went all mushy.

Everyone joined in the next dance; I even had to relinquish my dvd recorder to a waiter so I could dance too. Tico and Hugh had me howling as they argued over which one got to dance with me first. Tico won out and swung me around. But half way through, Hughie took over, talk about being split down the middle lol.

The food came out, damn it was tasty! It didn’t last very long. Locusts had nothing on us lot!

I’ve got some great pics of that darn Razorback-bride Hath had made.

We had a great time, then Jon and Sam headed out to begin their honeymoon!

We hung out talking and laughing. I told the girls that I wasn’t heading home after the wedding, but flying out to the Grand Canyon, and then wherever took my fancy. They were shocked but they’ve figured I can take care of myself lmao.

We danced a little more, some wise ass, looking shifty here, had a little Jovi thrown in, slow ones I hasten to add! I even got twirled by David, Richie, Matt and even Nathan before the night was out.

Now (yawn) time to hit the hay!

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