Welcome to Chicago!!

This is another follow on to the Football Forum at T's place.

Jon and Hath bet on the Super Bowl, Hath lost, and has to be Jon's "indentured servant" while in Chicago. The Harem meets up in for the shows (begging Ang to come along this time), and this is their story. This is another collaboration, and we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we've enjoyed writing it!

A couple of notes:

  1. Like all our stories, this one is fiction, and written for entertainment purposes only. No harm or offense is intended to anyone.

  2. The story is rated MA for mature audiences. There's sex in here, people.

  3. The chapters on the left are grouped by day. They're posted in ascending order so start from the top, or click here to start then click "Newer Post" at the bottom of each post to continue the story.

  4. In red, after the title, is the character from whose point of view that chapter is told. In those where there are multiple POVs, each character's name is in red, too (just trying to be helpful lol).

We think that just about covers it. We hope you enjoy reading about our trip!

Jovi Love,
The Harem

Gail, Hath, Lucy, Stephanie, and T

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